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Sunday 24 December 2017

Can technology replace Teacher?

Can technology replace Teacher?

           Technology has encroached the place of human being. We know that nowadays many development of the world that there machines can do all most things where human were required, and technology have revolutionized how people communicate and learn in nearly every aspect of modern life except for education. Teacher provides many things for children like homework checking, textbooks and classroom equipment. Etc teachers do will be conducted by technology in future.

          The use of technology in the classroom doesn’t lessen the need for great teachers. In fact, it is great teachers who make using technology so significant in student’s education. Whilst technology is able to take on a whole host of tasks, it does have its shortcoming, most prominently its inability to interact with humans. Technology therefore facilitates the learning process but it cannot replace the role of teacher.

 Yes technology replaced teacher because best teacher will use technology in the classroom as part of an expanding toolkit, and hopefully they will see the benefits of smarter technology in the form of reduced clerical work classrooms will continue to change shape but it’s safe to assume that there will be a human teacher at the front them for a long time yet.

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