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Tuesday 19 December 2017

How Much Land Does A Man Need ?

How Much Land Does A Man Need ?

Short Story :Leo Tolstoy


              This short story "How Much Land Does A man Need? written by Leo Tolstoy. He was born in 1828 and died 1910. he is supposed to be one of the greatest short stories even written in literature. He wrote simple story in terms of its subject but has perplexity near by of meanings under neath. He published many stores early in his life,real success came to him only with the publication of his great novel.

How Much Land Does A man Need? :

          This perticuler story revolves around the character named Pakhom and his greed. It revels around the theme of leading to your own demise. The story starts with the scene wherein two sisters
are talking to each other from with one resides in the town whereas the other in the village, the one who stays in the village is the wife of pakhom and she seems to be happy and contained with her life but her husband is dissatisfied with his life and therefore talking to his own he ones out of arrogance.Finally he decides to buy some land reap the benefit. After some time when he stats earning good, he wants more and in the mean while he comes across a peasant what happens to stay at his place for the night and at that time he talks about the land which is supposed to be very cheap as good as dirt cheap near Volga, listening to this pakhom gets interested in going there and buying some land for his own.

              He came across the fact that he would get 13000 acors in 1000 rubles. the land that the visitor was talking about belonged to the bashkirs. they were very kind hearten people who would save him as much land as he wants and all they expected was good gifts in return Pakhom finally decided to go there along with his family and mid way decides to by some gifts for the basks .He bought the gifts so that he can get good and fertile land at very cheap price.

               He and his family after travelling a lot finally each their destination wherein they meet the baskirs and flood them with lot of gifts all of them are extremely happy with the gifts and they decide to Han Dover as much land as he wants by just pointing the figure. After sometime the bashkirs talks with him and wish o consult their chief prior to talking any decision. the chief enters after one time and pakhom gifts him a dressing good along with a robe with that he also gifts him some tea and some wine. Chief is very happy and agrees to gift him the land. As much as he wants in just 1000 Robles but he has to start waling by the down and as much area as he covers by coming back to the hillock would be his.

             Pakhom does not believe his ears and tells them to signal deed because if claim the land as his or her own chief as rees for the deed as tees him to start walking the land that he might cover before the sun sets would be signed under the deed.

            Ecstatic pakhom decides to sort walking but his greed and ambition over power his thought fullness and physical energy. As soon as he comes back, he has lost every bit of his consciousness and eventfully dies. The end of the story becomes very tragic as Pakhom tries to over rich as causes his own demise.

           The moral of the story therefore is that one should not be to ambitions and dissatisfied with what ever one has containment is what is required to be happy the story is in a way did acetic in nature and shows that excessive desire many lead to own's downfall.



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