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Friday 26 January 2018

Doctor Faustus

Doctor Faustus movie review.

Doctor Faustus movie review.
This blog is of my part of classroom activity,here my view of this movie Doctor Faustus.
Here is the link of movie.If you are interested watching this movie then click here.

1) Doctor Faustus in this play end of the scene the image of Lucifer wide wings signify that he was a devil and angel
 he against  god .And he saw his own power of supiriality and wide wings he show that he was more powerfull in the world .
2)God presant in this play as a good angel and fastus was agains the god that was his work are against the god that reason end was tragic and the good and .god charecter was symbolaised  Old man .and he was a choras some time we find in god in the form of good angel.old man first monologue he chalenges god.
3)In this image the myth of icarus daedalus was son and father . in this image complex was hight and fire then that was we are went to the highest way all are fell down in earth ,and fire was sun melting the man went to the highest way.

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