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Thursday 1 February 2018

A Cup of Katherine Mansfield.

A Cup of Tea.
Katherine Mansfield.
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          This story "A Cup of Tea" is written by Katherine Mansfield . She was born in 1889 and died in 1923.She was stated  writing short story at the age of 18. She has written many interesting story like " Bliss and other story", " The garden party and other story" , "Some Time childish and other story".

Rosemary fell's felling of jealousy to at the beggar girl miss smith: 

            Rosemary fell's is the protagonist of this story who feels pity for one beggar girl named miss smith. The main concern of Rosemary is her beauty is compered with that beggar girl by her husband Philip when the story begins we find a fashionable human who is found of shopping and fashion it self . He also find that rosemary goes for shopping to Paris instead of the local streets , she is listed down as a rich or wealthy lady this be may say that she belong to the uper class society who is unaware of the condition of the poor people or law class society. 

            The narrator who is unknown her narrates the beautiful picture of the raining season as it is raining season the atmosphere is very gloomy. People are in a hurry to hide them self in umbrella or rather in there houses more over the narrator gives the minute description of weather that the air is filled with witter tastes. and during this time after shopping bunching of flower and soft velvet rosemary meets  a little girl who asks for the pries of a cup of tea. Rosemary feels sympathy for that girl and decided to take her to house. They both go to rosemary house and again the narrator gives the atmosphere of her glorious mention. She serves the beggar girl food and tea, and takes full care of that girl.

                 Philip Rosemary husband comes and sees the picture of her wife's helping to that girl he becomes very hungry at the seance and topic with rosemary with regard to the beggared girl. and as rosemary decided to adopt that girl , she declares that she wants to help the girl. Philip fines not a single way to persuade and that is why he says that the girl is astonishingly. pretty this single line changes rosemary ,simple and she gives some money to that girl and says good bye to her.

                the main theme of beauty comes of the center her because rosemary feels jealousy as she is not that much beautiful unther point we can add is a woman is an enemy of unther woman. Who is beautiful Philip uses very intellectual example of this woman's beauty and he gets rid of that beggar girl . The class duration pretend the idea that upper class people have nothing to do with the lower class people.

           While summing up one can say that "A Cup of tea" is very meaningful story by Mansfield. It focuses on the working of a woman's mind when her romantic dress come with in to conflict with reality Rosemary mites a poor girl and becomes red to help her but her husband finds her very charming and rosemary is moved by her husband saying and sends smith away by giving her three pound. A psychological condition of a woman is well printed in this story.


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