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Monday 19 February 2018

Harry Potter By J. K. Rowling

Harry Potter 
By J.K.Rowling 

This task is the part of our classroom activity.Click here to view full post.

Here is my web-quest worksheet.

Here is my Rubric evaluation form.

About the harry Potter series:

               Harry Potter is a series of novels by J.K. Rowling. It is about a young boy named Harry Potter and his adventures as he attends Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, learns how to perform magic and comes face to face with his archenemy, Lord Voldemort.

Film series:
  •      Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (1997)
  •      Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (1998)
  •      Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (1999)
  •      Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2000)
  •      Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2003)
  •      Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2005)
  •      Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (2007)

1) Feminist reading of Harmione’s character in Harry Potter:How do the character portrayal of Harmione and other female characters support feminist discourse?

Hermione not only as a strong female character, an essential part of harry's life but also as a feminist protagonist in her own right. We see Hermione the giggler, helpful, capable and she was emotionally expressive and clever.She is depicted in many different ways, and this show that all of these distinctive attributed put together make her a strong female because she can be all of these.
Hermione is the perfect example when examining the feminist in the novel. throughout the series she has many strengths and weakness as a character. we can see in the movie there Hermione compare to the man that she was more know bookish knowledge and real word than man. and also she helps boy for his bookish knowledge.She was always knew the correct answer.She was repeatedly the truth sleuth, comfortable in library, who finds the clue that makes sense of the mystery at hand. She could solve clues like her life defended on it. Which came in handy when her life literary depended on it.
The best part about hermione being exceptionally good at magic was that she never questioned her self. Hermione regards her friendship with harry and Ron over everything, and also she had positive male friendship. she was also physically and morally strong character.

 McGonagall is a feminist because her every actions and every decision she makes don’t depend on a man in her life. Her reality does not center on behavior of any man, or anyone that she loves. Also, the other thing that contributes her attributes to feminism is the fact that all of the fighting that she does in her life is to protect the students and Hogwarts, instead of fighting to defend or shield a man she is in love with. This fact that a woman is not blinded by love, and can fight and make her own decisions in life, makes her a feminist because, just like Story's definition, she is a woman who has her own power, and does not need a man in her life to tell her what to do, or to fight for, or to do anything for at all. 

2)  Discourse on the purity of Blood and Harry Potter: How do the novels play with the thesis of pure blood (Master Race) giving an anti-thesis by belonging protagonists to half-blood / Mud-blood? What sort of synthesis is sought in this discourse in Harry Potter series?

The term 'Pure Blood' refer to a family or individual without muggle. The concept is generally associated with Salazar Slyhthrin. One of the four founder of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and wizardry. whose aversion to teaching anybody of Muggle parentage eventually led to a breach with his three fellow founders and his resignation from the school. Where the term 'pure blood' originated from.

In this novel protagonist Harry potter and Hermione Granger are Mud blood. Ron Weasley is a pure blood. Draco Malfoy is also pure blood. Where as evil Voldemort is Mud blood but craving for pure blood. J.K.Rowling subverts the entire narrative by making protagonist who are mud bloods. And important thing is that they are equally or sometimes more powerful in magic than pure blood. So definitely it leads us to think that what should be criteria to judge the people Race/ Blood or merit.This transposing of magical racial beliefs to non-magical racial beliefs is also reflected in the pure-blood mania driving Voldemort and his followers.  Voldemort’s followers fully believe that being of pure-blooded ancestry brings with it extra talent, abilities, or worth, even in the face of “consistent evidence against pure-blood superiority” throughout the novels.

                 Many times reference comes in the novel they how pure blood were insulting mud bloods as inferior. And if we hear this kind of dialogue  even today in and  around us, then we have to be double careful.

3)The theme of Choice and Chance: How does Harry Potter discusses the antithetical concepts of ‘choice’ and ‘chance’?

 Harry is totally at loose ends in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, he's lost the guiding lights he had in earlier books (Dumbledore, Sirius). And with no one around to tell him what to do, he's got to make his own decisions.All this three character Harry, Hermione and Ron  they make use of chance they get to there own choices. As Harry during the Quidditch game save his companion rather than moving forward alone. Hagrid save harry many a time it all about chances.All of the characters  not just Harry are absolutely defined by their choices throughout the series. And all of them are given a chance at redemption through these decision yes, even those who we may write off as evil. Just think of Snape, Regulus Black, and even Draco Malfoy. Even Voldemort, at the end, is given a chance at redemption, but which he refuses. The theme of Choice was conscious on Rowling's part. Here's what she has to say on the matter.

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